Kamis, 05 November 2015

Colenak (Sundanese Fried Cassava In A Sweet Cocomut Souce)

Ingredients :

  1. 400 gr Fermented Cassava
  2. 100 gr Butter
Ingredients sauce:
  1. 250 ml coconut milk
  2. 100 gr palm sugar
  3. 50 gr sugar
  4. 1 pandan leaf
  5. 1 tsp salt
  6. 100 gr young coconut
Direction :

  1. Heat in a pan the butter and fry the cassava until done. Divide it into 10 portions. Grate the coconut. Heat in a pan the coconut milk and add the sugars, the salt, the pandan leaf and the grated coconut. Cook it slowly until the sauce has thickened. Serve the cassava with the sauce.

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